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Proxy Switcher Pro v3.9.0

- Administrator | Monday, June 22, 2009
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Proxy Switcher Pro v3.9.0
Proxy Switcher Pro v3.9.0 b4059 - change proxy settings on the fly. Different internet connections do often require completely different proxy server settings and it’s a real pain to change them manually. Proxy Switcher offers full featured connection management solution. This includes flexible proxy server list management, proxy server tester and anonymous surfing capabilities.

Opportunities of the program:
-Change of a proxy "hurriedly"
-Loading of the list of addresses of a proxy of servers from the Internet
-Export, import of the list of a proxy files
-Automatic switching of a proxy for anonymous navigation
-Works with IE, Firefox, Opera, etc.
-Check of availability (testing of a proxy-server for working capacity)
-Loading of the list of anonymous proxies


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