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Electric Image Animation Studio EIAS v8.0

- Administrator | Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Post views: counter Some new candy for 3D designers and those into graphic stuff. Released by Lz0 for Win & OSX

Description: Electric Image Animation System: the 3D software that no CGI artist should live without. For almost 15 years the Electric Image Animation System has delivered superior 3D graphics at a fraction of the cost. If you are looking to create Hollywood Style 3D graphics you don’t have to look any further. EIAS’ rendering speed is ideal for the fast pace of TV and Feature Film production. The Electric Image Animation System (EIAS) is an eminent 3D animation and rendering package. Available for the Mac and PC, with it, you can texture, animate and render your 3D scenes. Extraordinarily, EIAS includes the ability to network render to an unlimited number of computers across both platforms. EIAS presents advanced ‘buzz-word’ features in an easy to use, no nonsense interface.

Release Name:
Size: 87.36 - 91.48 MB
Links: NFO, Homepage
Download: HOTFILE,

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