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Avira Antivirus Professional
Avira AntiVirus reliably protects you against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishings, adware, spyware,
bots, and dangerous �drive-by� downloads. Best detection rates and top-class security with several updates every day.
Optimum security
* Integrated, cross-platform virus and malware protection
* Reliable, extremely powerful AntiVir technology with leading

multi-awardwinning detection performance
* Fast reaction to new dangers through in-house malware

research centers

Low costs
* Extremely low administration costs through automated

workflows and central management
* Intuitive operation without long, expensive training times
* All licenses incl. free updates, upgrades and 14 day

installation support

High investment security
* Fast, resource-saving scanning technology which reduces the load on servers and networks existing systems can therefore be

used for a longer time
* Transparent licensing designed to meet requirements without

hidden costs
* Free platform change to new or alternative operating systems

Optimum protection against viruses & co.
* Leading detection and elimination of viruses and malware. Now

with a new search engine: yet faster and safer
* Rootkit protection to detect and eliminate malware, which was

installed on computer�s systems unnoticeably (only on 32-bit

* AHeAD Technology (Advanced Heuristic Analysis and Detection)

to detect and ward off unknown or rapidly changing attackers
* Real-time monitoring of every file access through integrated

on-access scanner (incl. archive scanning) as well as on-demand

scanner for manual and time-driven search runs
* Integrated WebGuard to examine the HTTP based Internet data

traffic against viruses and malware. With automatic possibility

to block phishing and malware
* URLs (AntiDrive-by)
* Integrated MailGuard email scanner (POP3 and SMTP) to examine

incoming and outgoing emails under Windows. Including

examination of email attachments. With AntiBot
* function to establish authorized senders and servers
* Archive detection with adjustable recursion depth and other

options to handle archives or scan runtime-packs
* Quarantine management to safely isolate infected and

suspicious files under Windows
* Scheduling and automation of routine tasks
* File caching; high performance through

multi-threading/multi-daemon capacity (several files are

scanned at high speed at the same time)
* Executable in the 32 bit mode under 64 bit Linux systems

incl. on-access scanning (Unix)
* Extremely small, bandwidth saving updates of program and/or

detection pattern database; automated updating and distribution

via the Internet or network

Efficient configuration and administration
* Interface with vertical menu system to access all modules

easily and safely. Actions such as updates and search runs can

be started directly in the interface. User oriented standard
* or expert configuration under Windows
* Integrated scheduler to automate routine tasks
* Comprehensive notification and reporting functions
* Network-wide administration by the Avira Security Management

Center (SMC)
* Windows: several configuration profiles administrable.

Assistant for individual configuration NEW!
* Windows: support of Netbooks with resolutions smaller than

800 x 600 NEW!
* Windows: integration into the WMI system (Windows Management Instrumentation) NEW!

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