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Maniac-New Age Grime (2009)

- Administrator | Wednesday, July 08, 2009
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No messin’, Maniac is making some of the heaviest grime beats around right now with a CV including beats for everyone from Wiley to Trim and Tinchy Stryder. He’s basically the go-to man for a hot beat if you’re a top shelf MC in the UK. ‘New Age Grime’ is his first solo artist album and includes 14 uncompromisingly rugged instrumental riddims to use as you wish. For now at least Maniac hasn’t sullied his style with any UKF productions or comedy electro-house bangers, it’s all straight down the line for this man as we can clearly trace a line from his beats through Danny Weed’s darker mysticism and Wiley’s lean and itchily funky styles.


  1. Ugly
  2. Slap In The Face
  3. Wobble
  4. Ouch
  5. G.R.I.M.E.
  6. Captain
  7. Boiler
  8. Gun Slap
  9. Evil Dead
  10. Skeng Rd Out
  11. Grinding
  12. Oxygen
  13. Head Shot
  14. Thug

Label: GPP
Genre: Instrumental
Quality: 220 kbps avg LAME v3.97 -V 2 –vbr-new
Time: 0h 51min Total
Size: 68.93 MB

Release name: Maniac-New_Age_Grime-2009-H3X
Links: Play
Download: NewTorrents - HOTFiLE


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