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With DVD2one
you can make a movie-only or full disk copy of your DVD for personal use on a single DVD-Recordable.

Key features include

  • Unique video compression engine: combines blazing speed with the highest quality.
  • Multi-processor, multi-core and multi-computer (grid) compatible.
  • Process a movie to fit on a single recordable in a matter of 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer).
  • Make a movie-only copy of your DVD. Why waste space and image quality on unnecessary intros, menus and language tracks?
  • Make a full disk copy of your DVD. For those who want to keep those fancy menus and intros.
  • Powerful join mode. Useful for putting multiple episodes of a (tv) series or joining both sides of a flipper on 1 disk.
  • Batchprocessing: Program up to 15 disks to be processed one after another without user intervention.
  • Remaster your CDs on DVD in Super CD quality.
  • Builtin burnengine.
  • Written from scratch, not based on any old code, libraries or existing opensource projects.

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