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game boxNo one posted about this release , so I decided to write a quick review. War Leaders: Clash of Nations is a historical real-time strategy game set during World War II developed by Enigma Software. Another one today… :mrgreen: Expect : good graphic & intense battles. Try it if you like this game genre. This game was released by Razor1911 , but still I wanted to inform you about this one too.

In War Leaders, gamers will assume the role of historical commanders, in an attempt to lead their nations to victory in World War II through economic, diplomatic and military means. Players must l aid their nations both on and off the battlefield, negotiating with allies while crushing those who dare oppose them.

game img

Minimum system requirements:

  • Windows 98/2000/ME/XP
  • P4 2.4Ghz or equivalent
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • 128MB vga

Release name: War.Leaders.Clash.of.Nations.MULTi3-PROPHET
Size: 7.19 gb
Links: Homepage, Gamespot, Nfo
Download: Nti

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