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Game Design, Second Edition

- Administrator | Friday, June 12, 2009
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Game Design, Second Edition

Game Design, Second Edition

Product Description
“Game Design, Second Edition” offers a behind-the-scenes look at how a game gets designed and developed—from the day the idea is born to the day the box hits the shelves. This new edition offers information on the latest techniques and development models, interviews with 12 top game designers, document templates that can be used during product development, and numerous industry resources.

It is a practical guide that covers everything from the fundamentals of game design, to the trade-offs in the development process, to the deals a publisher makes to get a game on the shelves. No matter what your role is in the industry, understanding this entire process will help you do your job better. And if you ’re looking to break in, you ’ll find knowledge here that is usually attained only after years in the trenches.

Updated and expanded with a wealth of expert information and real world case studies, while still maintaining the value that made the first edition so successful.

Written by a well-known industry expert with 18 years of game design experience. Appeals to a broad audience, from students to individuals ready to break into the business to seasoned professionals. Contains practical information that can be put to use by readers in a variety of game development roles.

About the Author
In 1989, Bob co-founded Legend Entertainment and served as its President until the company’s 1998 sale to GT Interactive (now Atari). He continued as Legend’s Studio Head and as an active game designer/producer until the studio closed in January of 2004. Bob is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and events, and he is also the co-founder and organizer of the Game Designer’s Workshop, an annual invitation-only conference attended by many of the top storytelling game designers in the business. Bob is the author of one of the industry’s bestselling books on game development, Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games (Premier Press/Course PTR), which is currently being used as a textbook by several colleges and universities. He is also the editor of the Game Developer’s Market Guide (Premier Press/Course PTR).



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