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Body bags (1993)

- Administrator | Friday, June 12, 2009
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This movie really wan’t all that horrible. The wraparound was pretty funny (I loved the implants joke), but not scary at all, mostly meant for comic relief (which we only needed for the first story, but was great anyway). The first story was freaky, believable, and I definitely saw signs of Halloween in there. I suspected who the killer was, but was still surprised that Carpenter had the balls to do it. The second story was like something out of MadTV. It was so funny seeing everyone having hair excep him. If John Carpenter meant to scare us with this story, it didn’t work, if he wanted to make us laugh, he succeeded admirably. Finally the third story. It was extremely gory, but if you consider gore the same as scares, then it could be considered scary. OTher than that, there was a slightly creepy vibe, nothing else.

Download Body bags 1993 part 1:

Download Body bags 1993 part 2:

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Download Body bags 1993 part 7:



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  1. Anonymous June 13, 2009 at 4:39 PM  


  2. Administrator June 13, 2009 at 7:48 PM  

    actually there isnt any password for that file !!

  3. Guest July 12, 2009 at 12:22 PM  

    Password is required and it is -->

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