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WinRAR 3.90 Beta 1 Full

- Admin | Thursday, May 14, 2009
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This copy of WinRAR is not cracked with any sort of patch - the only modification is that the installer includes a valid rarreg.key! No crack required! Enjoy your free lifetime un-modified copy of WinRAR!

Proof of this being real:

WinRAR - What’s new in the latest version

Version 3.90 beta 1

1. WinRAR version for Windows x64 is available. If you use
Windows x64, it is strongly recommended to install 64 bit
WinRAR version. It provides a higher performance and better
shell integration than 32 bit version.

2. RAR compression speed is improved for multi-core
and multi-CPU systems. This improvement is most noticeable
in Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.

3. “Remove duplicate folders from extraction path” option
in “Settings/Compression” dialog is replaced by more universal
“Remove redundant folders from extraction path” option.
This option will eliminate redundant archive name based folders
from extraction path if you unpack an archive with
“Extract to DestName\” context menu command and if archive
root folder contains only one folder and no files.



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